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Arjun Parmar (Ph.D.)
Education Qualification

• Ph.D. Processing and Food Engineering (2023)

• M. Tech. Processing and Food Engineering (2020) 

• B. Tech. Agricultural Engineering (2018)

Assistant Professor
Food Technology
Research Area

Research work done

Ph.D. Thesis Title: Development of Refractance Window Dryer for Papaya Pulp

M. Tech. Thesis Title: Foam-mat Drying of Papaya Pulp for Preparation of Papaya Powder

Research interests

• Food Process Engineering

• Food Processing and Preservation

• Food Quality and Food safety

• Food Packaging

• Novel Food Processing Techniques 

Student Research Projects- KKIASR: NIL

General Information

Research papers

1. Effects of different process variables on functional properties of refractance window dried papaya pulp, The Pharma Innovation Journal, 2023 (ISSN: 2349-8242, NAAS RATING: 5.23) (A. R. Parmar, T. H. Barad, N. K. Dhamsaniya and G. V. Marviya).

2. Refractance window drying: A novel drying technique for quality retention, The Pharma Innovation Journal, 2023 (ISSN: 2349-8242, NAAS RATING: 5.23) (A. R. Parmar and N. K. Dhamsaniya).

3. Optimization of process parameters for foam mat dried papaya powder, International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2020 (ISSN: 2319-7706, NAAS Rating: 5.38) (A. R. Parmar, P. R. Davara, N. U. Joshi, P. J. Rathod and D. K. Antala).

Books/ Book chapters

1. Valorization of Citrus Byproducts: Extraction Technology for Extract Essential Oil and Bioactive Compound published in Advanced Innovative Technologies in Agricultural Engineering for Sustainable Agriculture, AkiNik Publications, Delhi, 2023; Volume: 10 (ISBN:978-93-6135-308-6) (C. J. Popaliya, A. R. Parmar, V. K. Chandegara).


1. પ્રધાનમંત્રી કિસાન સંપદા યોજના, કૃષિ શારંગ, 2023.

2. નેનો યુરિયા વિશે પ્રાથમિક માહિતી, કૃષિ શારંગ, 2023.

3. કોલ્ડ ચેઇન મેનેજમેંટ: ખેતરથી ગ્રાહક સુધી તાજગીની ખાતરી, કૃષિ શારંગ, 2023.

4. અપસાયકલિંગ એક ચાવી: ખોરાક્ના કચરાનુ મુલ્યવર્ધન કરવા માટે, કૃષિ શારંગ, 2023.


1. Young Researcher Award (2024): Dr Arjun was awarded for “Young Researcher Award” for outstanding contribution in the field of Processing and Food Engineering at International conference, SR University, Warangal, 2024. 

2. 1st Rank in Best Poster Presentation (2023): Dr Arjun was honoured with 1st Rank in Best Poster Presentation entitled “Battery Performance of Solar Powered Remote-Controlled Sprayer” at International conference, NAU, Navsari, 2023.

3. SHODH- ScHeme of Developing High Quality Research Scholarship (2020): Dr Arjun was awarded with a stipend for SHODH- ScHeme of Developing High Quality Research Scholarship, Government of Gujarat.


Dr. Arjun is a distinguished professional with an impressive academic background and extensive expertise in Processing and Food Engineering. He holds a master's and doctorate degree from JAU, Junagadh. His research covers a wide range of topics, including new product development, storage, food engineering and food processing. During his Ph.D., Dr. Arjun developed a fourth-generation novel dryer- Refractance window dryer for drying of liquid food products.

In addition to his research, Dr. Arjun is actively involved in academic activities, teaching courses such as Drying and Dehydration, Unit operation in Food Engineering and Application of Renewable energy in Food Processing. He has authored two research papers and one review paper, four articles and contributed to one book chapters, reinforcing his standing as a prolific researcher in Processing and Food Engineering. His dedication, qualifications and teaching skills make him an invaluable asset to GUNI-CHAS and the field of Processing and Food Engineering as a whole.